Title: Laggan Tormore Project System Test: when new Subsea Solutions for Harsh Environment meet reality
Abstract: Imagine a Gas Plant to be developed in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean at 600m deep. Just think that this Plant shall be fully operated from an island located at 143km from there, and keep all their citizens warm for 30 years. This is how you could picture Laggan Tormore, a challenge FMC Technologies is eager to manage!
Such unforgiving conditions will require development of a Complex System composed of advanced specific products never designed before. Interfaces are becoming critical, and all efforts shall be made to secure them prior to launching equipments that shall never see the daylight for decades.
Time needs to be taken at completion of the Project, and prior to delivery to analyze, review and simulate as close as possible to the reality of the field the conditions of installation and operation of our equipments. This is the true purpose of System Tests.
Biography: Benoit Le Bihan is a Project Manager for overall Subsea Production Systems. He has been managing Design, Procurement, Fabrication, Testing and Installation of Subsea Projects for the past 10 years. Since he graduated with a MSc. In Mechanical Engineering in 2003, he built up his experience via active management directly into the field (Fabrication Sites, Offshore Operations, management of System Tests). He is strongly involved in Lessons Learned for all System Projects and Technical Reviews for more specific Subsea Solution. He lately managed the overall System Testing for Laggan Tormore Project.