KSEE 2011 Archive

2011 Student Presentation: Early Validation through the A3 method, Kristian Frøvold, Kongsberg Maritime

2011 Student Presentation: Early Validation through the A3 method, Kristian Frøvold, Kongsberg Maritime

Kristian Frovold KSEE 2011

Title: Early Validation through the A3 method


We observed in our company that there is too little communication between development groups and external stakeholders, like system users and sales and marketing. Large organizational distances can explain these problems. Lack of communication can lead to validation problems, due to requirements developed on the wrong basis. For development groups it can be hard to see real customer needs.

A3 reports emerged as tool from Toyota’s lean development, as a problem-solving tool. Toyota’s success with this method led to the method spreading to other domains, such as health care. There is a variety of A3 types. This study applied the method of using A3 sheets, with modeling and text, for early validation and communication purposes.

This study’s goal was to create tool for early validation and communication, for system design. The study shows that by using A3 reports for early validation designers can improve communication, build a common understanding, and contribute to the early validation for a system or a system function. This research focuses on a top-level system function, developed in a large multidisciplinary project. The function interfaced many systems and required extensive communication. By using A3 reports knowledge was collected, systemized, analyzed, shared, and incrementally improved, to the point of early validation.

2011: Manufacturing Systems Modelling, Andreas Thorvaldsen, Volvo Aero

2011: Manufacturing Systems Modelling,  Andreas Thorvaldsen, Volvo Aero

Andreas Thorvaldsen_Manufacturing_Systems_Modeling_KSEE_2011

Title: Manufacturing Systems Modelling


8 years of experience in teaching at university level and industrial consulting 5 years of experience in Aerospace Technology, Systems Engineering, Quality Engineering. Main fields of interest:

- Phase Transformations, Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials – Molten Metal Technology, Structural applications of metals – Product Development, CAD / CAM, System Design – Statistics and applied probability, Quality engineering

- Dynamic simulation and Virtual Engineering – Casting Technology and Fluid Flow Phenomena. – Manufacturing Systems Engineering


MSc, Norwegian Inst. of Technology – Dept. of physics, Trondheim, 1981 Dr.Techn., Norwegian Inst. of Technology, Trondheim, 1997

LANGUAGES: Norwegian, English, French (oral), German (oral).PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:

2009 - Continuous Improvement, Volvo Aero Norge AS

Head of department with responsibilites for CMM, Statistical Process Control and Operational Development, and project manager for the company’s PLM project based on Teamcenter Manufacturing (Siemens).

2006 – 2009 Product Technology, Volvo Aero Norge AS

Head of department with responsibilites for CAD/CAM, CMM and Operational Development.

2005 – 2006 Statistical Process Control, Volvo Aero Norge AS

Project Manager Statistical Process Control

2003 – 2005 Buskerud College

Associate Professor at the Department of Technology. Developed the current master program on Systems Engineering at Buskerud College (the spring 2005).

2000 – 2003 Buskerud College

Head of Department, Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

1997 – 2000 Buskerud College

Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering,

1992 – 1997 Fundo AB, Norsk Hydro AS

Materials Development Manager. Head of Squeeze casting and Die casting production. Responsible for the development of a die cast magnesium seat frame, squeeze cast hydraulic parts and chassi parts (both squeeze and tilt cast).

1989 – 1992 Université Laval, Quebec, Canada

Visiting Professor (part time). Research fields: Grain Growth in polycrystalline materials and phase transformations in molten magnesium.

1989 – 1992 Institute of Magnesium Technology (IMT), Quebec, Canada

Technical Advisor (part time).

1986 – 1989 Magnesium Materials Technology (MgMT), Hydro Porsgrunn

Head of Department. Main field of R&D activities within department: Molten metal technology, Low Pressure Die Casting, Chill Casting, Rapid Solidification, Mechanical properties of magnesium alloys, Corrosion and Surface coating technology.

1984 – 1986 Magnesium Produktteknikk, Hydro Porsgrunn

Manager Physical Metallurgy (Magnesium) with the responsibility to establish competence on the physical metallurgy of magnesium within Norsk Hydro.

1981 – 1984 Magnesium Produktteknikk, Hydro Porsgrunn

Research on molten magnesium technology with special emphasis on the metallurgy of liquid magnesium, the influence of impurity levels on castability and corrosion performance and the production of primary magnesium.

2011 Keynote: Systems Engineering- At the Crossroads of Complexity, Jon Wade, PhD. Stevens Institute of Technology

2011 Keynote: Systems Engineering- At the Crossroads of Complexity, Jon Wade, PhD. Stevens Institute of Technology

Jon Wade KSEE 2011

Jon Wade

Title: “Systems Engineering: At the Crossroads of Complexity”

Abstract: Moore’s Law and the resulting exponential increase in the capabilities of computational, networking and software based systems, coupled with the growth of distributed dynamically evolving System of Systems, increasing societal dependence, criticality of security, and ever shortening development time have often surpassed the capabilities of standard engineering processes and practices.   System complexity has grown exponentially over the past half century and is believed by many to be the primary challenge of this century.   Yet, complexity is often seen as a very fuzzy concept.   This presentation will provide a working definition of complexity, its origins, and some methods by which it can effectively be managed.

Background: Jon Wade is a Distinguished Service Professor and Associate Dean of Research in the School of Systems and Enterprises at the Stevens Institute of Technology.   His primary interests include research in the transformation of Systems Engineering and its education to address the systemic challenges of complexity, change, uncertainty and trust.   Dr. Wade has an extensive background in leading research and development organizations and managing the development of Enterprise products.  Previously, Dr. Wade was the Executive Vice President of Engineering at International Game Technology (IGT) where he created corporate vision, led product development, championed the development of a corporate architecture and system development practices, and managed corporate wide research and development.  Before joining IGT, Dr. Wade spent 10 years at Sun Microsystems during which time he managed the development of the UltraSPARC V based Enterprise Server family and served as the Product Manager for high-performance interconnects.  Prior to this, he led new system development at Thinking Machines Corporation.   Dr. Wade received his SB, SM, EE and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.   Dr. Wade is a member of the Sigma Xi (Scientific Research), Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering), and Eta Kappa Nu (National Electrical Engineering) Honorary Societies.

2011: Lean Transformation, John Bjarne Bye, KDA

2011: Lean Transformation, John Bjarne Bye, KDA

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Title: “Lean Transformation”

I would like to highlight some of my lessons learn and some important topics that we should be aware of when you start on a Lean journey. I will try to make it as general as possible, so also product developer can recognize themselves. However, my background as you see is not an engineer, so I have to relate some of the themes to manufacturing.


  • 20 års erfaring i fra industrien innenfor hovedsakelig Aerospace, Forsvar, Subsea og Elektronikk.


  • Ansvarlig for forbedrings og kvalitetsarbeid ved KDA sin nye fabrikk på Arsenalet, hvor det i hovedsak benyttes Lean Six Sigma metoder og verktøy.
  • Prosjektleder for implementering av SAP ME sitt Manufacturing Execution System. (MES)
  • Prosjektleder for et brukerstyrt forskningsprosjekt som er støttet av Norsk Forskningsråd. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med Volvo Aero og SINTEF, og heter ”Ideell Fabrikk”.


  • Jobbet i hovedsak med leverandører og leverandørkjeder. Kontraktsdorhandlinger var en del av oppgaven med fokus på forutsigbare priser, leveranser og kvalitet i en kraftig oppadgående konjunktur.
  • Den siste tiden med forbedringsarbeid, og prosjektet jeg tok under Six Sigma Black Belt utdannelsen bidro til 5 MUSD reduksjon i lagerverdi.


  • Prosjektleder for kunder innenfor forsvar, subsea og seismikk, prosjekter med en omsetning på over 100 MNOK i året. I den forbindelse ble det største prosjektet organisert som en egen enhet med over 50 ansatte.
  • Leder og ansvarlig for oppbygging av to produksjonslinjer.
  • Siste halvannet året medlem av ledergruppen, først som teamleder senere som logistikksjef.


  • Jobbet som verktøymaker og fremstilte avanserte oppspennings og måle fiksturer for Volvo Aero.
  • Tillitsvalgt og nestleder i klubben.


  • Etter endt læretid jobbet jeg som maskinarbeider ved flydivisjonen. Fremstilte deler til flymotorer i CNC maskinsenter.

2011: Complex Topsides, Odd Guldsten, Dresser Rand

2011: Complex Topsides,  Odd Guldsten, Dresser Rand

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Title: “Complex power systems for offshore oil & gas topside installation”


A Quick overview of D-R`s R&D model  and use of Systems Engineering KBD in R&D and major contracts for Offshore Topside installations


Odd Guldsten`s experience is related to both Technical and Business Management in the Energy Industry. Since 1999 he has been leading two different companies which are deeply involved in Offshore “Top Side” Systems which requires a significant involvement in “Systems Engineering.


MSc Mechanical Engineering , Norwegian Institute of Technology,1979


2006-Current; Vice President & General Manager, Dresser-Rand AS, Kongsberg

2001-2006; Managing Director, FMC Kongsberg Metering AS, Kongsberg

1999-2001; Director & General Manager, Metering Division, Kongsberg Offshore AS, Kongsberg

1993-1999; Manager ,Marketing , Large Gas Turbine & European packaging, Dresser-Rand

1990-1993 ; Marketing Project Manager, Dresser-Rand

1987-1990 ; Engineering manager , Large gas turbine projects ( Veslefrikk & Sleipner A), Dresser-Rand

1985-1987; Principal Engineer, R&D, Dresser-Rand inc, Houston

1980-1985 ; Various technical positions, Gas Turbine Div., Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk AS

2011: Globalising Systems Engineering, Einar Jørgensen, FMC Technologies

2011: Globalising Systems Engineering, Einar Jørgensen, FMC Technologies

1730 Einar Jorgensen

Title: Globalising System Engineering and Lean Principles

Name Einar Jørgensen
Job Senior Advisor
Department Quality Systems
Company FMC Technologies, Kongsberg
Education M.Sc NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, Civil Engineering, 1979, Bridges, dynamics, statics

MBA Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, 2004, Lean, Six Sigma

Experience Global processes facilitation, definition and implementation, management of engineering, project management, technical lead, structural steel and concrete design and analyses
Projects Subsea production systems (BP Block 18, Total Girassol, Statoil Gullfaks & Åsgard), jackets (Sleipner, Oseberg B), flare booms(Gullfaks A, Statfjord C), gravity base structures, main support frames (Statfjord C), suspension bridge design

2011: Is it Lean or Just Common Sense ?, Håkan Gustavsson, Scania

2011: Is it Lean or Just Common Sense ?, Håkan Gustavsson, Scania

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Title: Is it Lean or just common sense?

Abstract: The concept of Lean derives from the production methods developed by Toyota in the 1950s. I recently had the opportunity to visit various companies in Japan in order to better understand there way of working. In this talk I will present my observations. The Scania way of working has been heavily inspired by Toyota through a long cooperation. Scania has applied its own dialect of Lean to production for 20 years, and for more than 10 years in research and development. In this presentation I will present my view of the main differences to our way of working compared to traditional research and development practice.


Håkan Gustavsson is an industrial researcher at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden. Håkan has been working with vehicle electronic systems integration and architecture since 2002. He is currently employed as an Industrial Ph.D. student within the electrical systems predevelopment section at Scania. He received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology 2002 after completing his studies with a final year at Fachhochschule Zentral Schweiz. His research area is systems engineering of vehicle electronics. His licentiatie thesis was accepted in 2008, where a method was presented on how to improve the decisions made during the early phases of E/E-system development. His current research focus on how Lean principles can improve the development process of software-intensive system. His PhD thesis investigates how Lean thinking can be applied to system architecting and will be defended in march 2011.

Email: hakan.gustavsson@scania.com

2011: Less Heavy Systems Engineering, Gerrit Muller PhD

2011: Less Heavy Systems Engineering, Gerrit Muller PhD


Title: Less Heavy Systems Engineering, How Much is Appropriate?


Many companies are aware of opportunities to improve systems development,
system integration and complex project execution. Conventional Systems
from the military and aerospace domain, although perceived as useful, also tends
to be seen as “heavy” in terms of process and artifacts. In this paper we explore
alternative Systems Engineering approaches that are perceived as lighter. We
also explore how much Systems Engineering is appropriate.


Gerrit Muller, originally from the Netherlands, received his Master’s degree in physics from the University of Amsterdam in 1979. He worked from 1980 until 1997 at Philips Medical Systems as a system architect, followed by two years at ASML as a manager of systems engineering, returning to Philips (Research) in 1999. Since 2003 he has worked as a senior research fellow at the Embedded Systems Institute in Eindhoven, focusing on developing system architecture methods and the education of new system architects, receiving his doctorate in 2004. In January 2008 he became a full professor of systems engineering at Buskerud University College in Kongsberg, Norway.
All information (System Architecture articles, course material, curriculum vitae) can be found at: Gaudí systems architecting

2011 Program

June 9-10, 2011

Many companies are aware of opportunities to improve systems development, system integration and complex project execution.

Conventional Systems Engineering from the military and aerospace domain, although perceived as useful, also tends to be seen as “heavy” in terms of process and artifacts. KSEE 2011 will showcase alternate, more agile approaches, including LEAN product development.

Greetings from the KSEE 2011 organization team: Frode Nilsson (FMC), Bjørn Victor Larsen (KDA), Ole Hoen (Volvo Aero), Even Evenbakken (Volvo) Kirsten Helle (FMC), Christopher Carlsen (FMC), and Gerrit Muller (HiBu) and Eton Williams (HiBu),

Thursday, 9 June, 2011

15:00 Reception desks opens
16:00 Opening
16:05 Gerrit Muller, PhD, HiBu, Setting the stage
16:20 Håkan Gustavsson, Scania, Is it Lean or just common sense?
17:00 Break
17:30 Einar Jørgensen, FMC, Globalizing System Engineering & Lean Principles
18:00 Odd Guldsten, Dresser Rand, Complex power systems for offshore oil &gas topside installation
18:30 Break
19:00 John Bjarne Bye, KDA, Lean Transformation
19:30 BBQ and Networking

Friday, 10 June, 2011

9:00 Opening
9:05 Jon Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology, Keynote Speach
9:45 Andreas Thorvaldsen, Volvo Aero, Manufacturing Systems Modeling
10:15 Break
10:45 Student Presentation 2011, Kristian Frøvold, Kongsberg Maritime
11:15 Gerrit Muller, HiBu, Less Heavy Systems Engineering, How Much is Appropiate?
11:50 Closing
12:00 Program End

Last day for sign up is Tuesday 7 June 12.00.

Christopher Carlsen

KSEE 2011 Steering Committee Member

FMC Technologies, Manager Sales and Projects, Intervention and Connection
Email: Christopher.Carlsen@fks.fmcti.com