Introducing the speakers for the 2014 Kongsberg Systems Engineering Event, in tentative order of speaking:
Keynote speaker: Martin Steinert, “The teamology and of small product development tiger teams – a Californian perspective”
Arne Ove Rødstøl, Ulstein, “Ulstein Bridge Vision; the future bridge”
Steinar Wasa Tverlid, Statoil
Jose Pinto, Devotek, “Follow me to the land of big ideas” (preliminary title)
Keynote speaker: Joe Kasser, “Solution engineering: an integrated innovative holistic approach to managing complex problems”
Vidar Solli, Argos Solutions, “Disruptive Innovation – How to make it happen? Some examples and thoughts“
HBV speaker; tentatively Gerrit Muller, “The art of innovation; How to bypass countless hurdles?” (preliminary title)