“The teamology and of small product development tiger teams – a Californian perspective” – Dr. Martin Steinert, NTNU

“The teamology and of small product development tiger teams –  a Californian perspective” – Dr. Martin Steinert, NTNU

Title: “The teamology and of small product development tiger teams – a Californian perspective”

Full presentation here

Biography: I am Professor of Eng. Design and Innovation at the Department of Eng. Design and Materials at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I teach fuzzy front-end engineering for radical new product/service/system concepts and graduate research seminars for PhDs engaged in topics related to new product design and development. My various research projects are usually multidisciplinary (ME/CS/EE/Neuro- and Cognitive Sc.) and often connected with industry. The aim is to uncover, understand and leverage early stage engineering design paradigms with a special focus onto human-machine/object interactions. Recently I have published in Int. Journal of Product Development, Int. Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Journal of Eng. Design and Technology, Int. Journal of Design, Int. Journal of Eng. Education, Tech. Forecasting and Social Change, Energy Policy, Information Knowledge System Management Journal … Ever since a short stint at MIT and my time as Deputy Director at the Center for Design Research and at the d.research program (Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research program) at Stanford University, the overarching aim of my research and teaching is to always push the boundaries for Norwegian product development teams, so that they will ideate, more radical new concepts, faster.