Title: “Disruptive Innovation; How to make it happen? Some examples and thoughts.”
Biography: Mr. Solli started his education as an apprentice at SI (Sintef) in 1973. In 1974 he started studying at Tinius Olsen Tekniske Skole (HiBu), followed by a year at Dundee University in 1977-78. After this Mr. Solli went on to study at NTNU from 1978 to 1981 and serve the military (1981-82, UKVM) before starting his professional career working at Kongsberg Albatross (Kongsberg Maritime, 1982-85), where he was responsible for development of the next generation computer system for dynamic positioning systems. This was the first multiprocessor solution using redundant Ethernet as backbone for inter-processor communication. At the same time Mr. Solli founded MPS (1982-1992), the company being a result of projects for the Norwegian Navy. MPS developed the first colour radar display for use at sea fortresses, as well as converted the tactical trainer at KNM Tordenskjold from an electromechanical trainer to a microprocessor-based solution. The company developed to be a supplier of military trainers and simulators. Mr. Solli was managing director until the company was bought by NFT in 1990. In 1992 Mr. Solli founded Argos Control/Solutions with the goal to develop industrial applications based on artificial neural network. Argos Control/Solutions develops and delivers camera based systems for surface inspection and grading, and systems for automatic repairing of plywood. The company has close to 100% export and have customers all over the world. Mr. Solli was managing director until 2009 and is now the company’s technical director.