“Achieving knowledge reuse in practice” – Amer Catic, Volvo Group Trucks

“Achieving knowledge reuse in practice” – Amer Catic, Volvo Group Trucks

Speaker: Dr. Amer Catic, Knowledge Management Implementation Leader, Volvo Group Trucks

Presentation title: Achieving knowledge reuse in practice

Biography: Amer Catic has a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD on the subject “Knowledge Management in Product Development” from Chalmers University of Technology. He is leading the knowledge management implementation program in Volvo Group Trucks division that is covering both development, implementation and training of a coherent set of high level knowledge management strategies through processes and roles all the way down to methods and tools.

Knowledge-Based Engineering in Product Development Processes – Process, IT and Knowledge Management Perspectives (PhD thesis, 2011)
Requirements Management When Introducing New Mechatronic Sub-systems – Managing the Knowledge Gaps (Conference paper, 2010)
Effective method for creating engineering checklists (Journal Paper, 2013)
Lean Product Development: Hype or Sustainable New Paradigm (Conference paper, 2011)
Development of Key Performance Indicators for Knowledge Management (Conference paper, 2013)
Implementing a Wiki to Capture and Share Engineering Knowledge (Conference paper, 2010)
Mechatronic Systems Engineering – Theory and Automotive Practice (Conference paper, 2010)
Integrating KBE and PLM Through a Service Oriented Architecture (Licentiate Thesis, 2009)
Implementing a service-oriented PLM architecture focusing on support for engineering change management (Journal Paper, 2008)
Manufacturing Experience In a Design Context Enabled By a Service Oriented PLM Architecture (Conference Paper, 2008)