Title: Globalising System Engineering and Lean Principles
Name | Einar Jørgensen |
Job | Senior Advisor |
Department | Quality Systems |
Company | FMC Technologies, Kongsberg |
Education | M.Sc NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, Civil Engineering, 1979, Bridges, dynamics, statics
MBA Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, 2004, Lean, Six Sigma |
Experience | Global processes facilitation, definition and implementation, management of engineering, project management, technical lead, structural steel and concrete design and analyses |
Projects | Subsea production systems (BP Block 18, Total Girassol, Statoil Gullfaks & Åsgard), jackets (Sleipner, Oseberg B), flare booms(Gullfaks A, Statfjord C), gravity base structures, main support frames (Statfjord C), suspension bridge design |